jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Health education in the geriatric patient

Health education is a basic tool in promoting health and preventive action. It is a method of intervention that is also part of the care provided.
Preventative measures are classified according to the disease stage where it develop. Thus, we can speak of::
  • Primary prevention, when we try to prevent the occurrence of injuries and disease acting through risk factors and promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Secondary prevention, which try to detect and treat early asymptomatic disease and existenes although so far.
  • Tertiary prevention, which attempts to avoid consequences, relapse, and promote the rehabilitation and recovery of the same.
In the elderly all types of prevention are important, although most measures will be included among the secondary prevention, having injuries or diseases at an early stage in an attempt to prevent its progression, and between tertiary prevention, tryinh to prevent disabilities and provide recoveries.

Nowadays prevention is relegated to the background in health, most people prefer to go to the doctor to find a remedy to their problems rather than trying to prevent these problems before it happen. For example, many patients before reducing the large amounts of salt on the food, they prefer to go to the doctor and receive a pill for blood pressure. For this reason we must learn good tactics of persuasion and conviction to try that patients change their harmful habits.
Especially in this group, it has been shown that due to communication problems that they present and their many complaints and vague description of symptoms, patients tend to be put aside preventive activities.
The thing is that the information comes to them in a way that they understand and be easy in order to  they can carry out these tasks.


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