jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Geriatric Syndromes : Dementia and Delirium

So far we have been talking about diseases that affect the elderly physically, but what about those that affect the brain. Cognitive impairment and dementia are the issues most important in Public Health in developed countries.
Although it is the most important problem Has it given the importance it should? from my point of view I say categorically that NO.

In general, our society tends to remove seniors who begin to lose cognitive abilities. When an old man starts not fend for himself for a physical or psychological problem we institutionalize him in order to he disturb as less as possible. In addition, we call the doctor in order to give them drugs that make them recover from their condition, the problem is that people do not understand that this exacerbates the problem.

I think the first thing to do is detect in an early way, the beginning of cognitive impairment to put an effective remedy (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological). Promoting independence to perform basic daily activities is critical to not increase the dependency of the elderly. The activities that we will do must aim for the elderly use mental processes to not atrophy and thus delay the onset of dementia. For example: prevent the patient is isolated at home, a proper diet, trying to performs most activities alone (though it cost), encouraging social relations etc.

Many times doctors are determined to extend the life trying those physical problems and put aside the psychological area that often have to be prioritized. A person mentally impotent, for example with a advantage Alzehimer , is much worse than the diseases that could incapacitate an elderly fitness, due to the latter will still be able to understand and comprehend everything that surrounds him.


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