lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Speaking with the elderly


In the old age there is a development of communication and language, because it extends the general world knowledge and you have more contents and experiences to communicate. But while in normal aging, there are difficulties of lexical access, syntactic processing difficulties and speech organization. This problems seem to be caused by a loss of efficiency in processing.

In addition the physiological changes that occurs hinder the conversation with them. Mainly changes in vision and hearing. If a person can´t look well or he can´t hear very well, the most of sensory signals which are important (warning look in his eyes, the eye contact, body in care), never perceive. But communication problems are not only influenced by phyisiological changes, communication is going to be influenced by society, enviroment, culture, family, loneliness...

With this in mind, if we look at it from the point of view of health, the communication difficulties mean dificulties to establish therapeutic relationships too. From my point of view, the proffesional should work in order to communicate clearly and using other sensory channels to communicate clearly and effectively
Some tips that come to mind that we can do to improve communication are:
  • Doing shorts and frequently interviews 
  • Being near to the elderly and speaking loudly and slowly 
  • Giving him time to respond
  • Subsequently request information to the family or primary caregiver to complete and contrast information
Here are two videos that I found it quite interesting and funny in which appear more advice


Rabadán O, Pereiro A, Facal D. Comunicación y lenguaje en la vejez. Portal Mayores. 2006 October 23; (67):1-20. Available from:

Martilla R. Características de la comunicación en el anciano. Terapia ocupacional. 2000 September. Available from:

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