jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs because heart cells leave (for any reason) to receive enough blood and all its contents (oxygen, nutrients, ions etc..) Finally, if the situation is not reversed quickly, it eventually causes the death of heart cells.

It is clear that age is one of the major factors in the onset of AMI as in Spain, average age of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome is around 69 years, and the patients admitted to coronary care units AMI in 65. Although athletes and young people is also likely to suffer an AMI, numerous studies show that 75% of deaths occur in patients older than 70 years due to both biological changes that occur in old age and by the multiple pathologies that these patients usually present.

Patients who arriving to the emergency room, have a rather alarming symptoms: often restless, pale, sweaty and tachycardic addition, when performing an electrocardiogram (ECG) is clearly displayed this pathology.
The main problem is that the symptoms produced by the IAM it is not usually present when it suddenly starts, since the first stage is asymptomatic. For these reasons, in many cases, when ischemia is very large and irreversible, is required surgical treatment because the drugs are not effective enough.
The recommendations I can mention about this issue is:
  • Recognizing the symptoms of AMI to go as fast as possible to the hospital
  • Know how to perform basic CPR
  • PREVENTION through a healthy lifestyle (diet, sport, eliminate toxic habits ...)
  • Try to be as quiet as possible (to reduce tachycardia)


  • Mauro V, Rodriguez M, Charask A et al. Infarto agudo de miocardio en el anciano. ervicio de Cardiologia. Clinica Bazterrica. 2002 March.

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